About Us
Who we are, our values, philosophy and mission.
Who We Are
About Us
Little Valley Academy (LVA) is a ministry of Valley Fellowship Church and the preschool department of Valley Fellowship Christian Academy. LVA partners with Christian parents to train, educate and nurture children. LVA holds to a God-centered view of life, truth, and education. There is one God who manifests Himself in three personalities: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God is the only Sovereign being. He created and sustains all things by His power. Man is a part of that creation. Man was made in the image and likeness of God. However, man chose to disobey God and fell into sin. As a result, man’s innate nature of sin can only be restored into a relationship with God by accepting the salvation provided by Christ’s death and resurrection. At the culmination of their educational career at VFCA, it is our firm desire that our students have formulated and can articulate their own worldview and that it will be a Biblical worldview that will sustain them for the rest of their lives. VFCA was established upon the Biblical principle found in Colossians 2:3 which states that “In Christ dwells the foundations of true wisdom and knowledge.’’

Philosophy of Christian Education
In holding to a Biblical worldview, the purpose of education is to train the student in an understanding of God’s nature. By doing so, the student can then fulfill the purpose of God for his or her life. A true Christian education must be based upon the infallible authority of the Bible as God’s Holy Word. The student must be trained in his or her spirit, mind, and body so that he or she can be well prepared for His purpose both on earth and in eternity. The student must be taught that all truth is God’s truth. Knowledge and understanding in all subjects of education originate from God’s truth. These subjects must be taught by teachers who have a God-centered view of life and truth and who will lead students well.

LVA Mission
LVA exists as a place where Christian partnership is formed between families and caregivers/educators to raise Godly Leaders to take their place of authority in the world and in Christ’s Body of Believers.
LVA is an extension of the Christian home and exists to help parents fulfill their responsibility to educate their children. Through the years, many students have been saved and have received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit through being part of the VFCA family. Each child is encouraged in the development of: firstly, his/her personal relationship with God the Father; secondly, the resurrection power of Jesus Christ; and thirdly, the power and wisdom of the Holy Spirit. Our goal is to cultivate a Biblical partnership that encompasses the child, the parent and the academy.
Our prayer for the children is taken from Isaiah 54:13: “all thy children shall be taught of the Lord, and great shall be the peace of thy children.”
LVA Statement of Faith
We believe:
- The Bible to be the inspired and only infallible and authoritative Word of God.
- That there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
- In the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in the blessed hope of His personal visible future return to this earth to receive to Himself His blood-bought Church that it may be with Him forever.
- In the precious blood of Christ and that regeneration is absolutely essential for personal salvation.
- That the redemptive work of Christ on the cross provides healing of the body in answer to the believing prayer.
- That the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, according to Acts 2:4, is given to believers who ask for it.
- In the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit by Who’s indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a holy life.
- In the resurrection of both the saved and the lost, the one to everlasting life and the other to everlasting damnation.

A Letter From Our Leadership
Dear LVA Families,
We value your partnership at LVA! Our staff is unified under our God-given purpose and mission to raise Godly leaders, men, and women to take their place in the world and in the Body of Christ. We look forward to partnering with you this year as we care for, teach and disciple your child.
At LVA, student safety is top priority. Our job is to make sure our campuses are safe, secure, and well managed. Our employees care for our students with the highest level of godly, pure, and genuine love. We work hard to create an environment that is infused with the authentic presence of God. We honor God, His Word, and His presence in everything we do. At LVA, our teachers provide fun, creative, and positive learning environments. We are Christian educators that are committed to teaching from a Biblical worldview.
Blessings in Christ,
Patti Simon, Head of School
Ruthie Baker, Early Childhood Principal
What Our Families are Saying